Your Vehicle Identification Number or VIN is a 17-character manufacturer’s serial
number. A VIN displays the vehicles unique features, specifications and manufacturer.
The VIN can be used to track recalls, warranty claims, thefts and insurance coverage.
The VIN helps us accurately identify your vehicle year, make, model and technical
specification which allows us to better value and appraise your vehicle.
The VIN can be found by looking at the dashboard on the driver side of the vehicle.
If the VIN cannot be found then open the driver side door and look at the door post.
The VIN can also be found on your vehicle title & registration papers, insurance
card & policy or the original purchase documents. It can also be found on the vehicle
body in multiple places. Here are common VIN locations:
- 1. On the dash by windshield.
- 2. Driver side door post.
- 3. Firewall of the vehicle.
- 4. Left hand inner wheel arch.
- 5. Steering column.
- 6. Radiator Support Bracket.
Unfortunately the VIN is required. Please contact support for help locating the
VIN on your vehicle.
Each vehicle may have multiple styles. Knowing the exact style of your vehicle will
help us to better price your vehicle.
Each vehicle may have multiple transmission types. Knowing the exact transmission
type of your vehicle will help us to better price your vehicle.
Each vehicle may have multiple engine types. Knowing exact engine type of your vehicle
will help us to better price your vehicle.
Please enter your first name.
Please enter your last name.
Please enter your email address.
Please confirm your email address.
Please enter your Zip Code.
Please enter your 10 digit telephone number, including area code. No dashes please.
Select which state your vehicle is currently registered.
Let us know if you are currently financing, leasing or if your vehicle is paid off
and lien free.
Please provide the name of the bank, credit union, or company financing your vehicle.
Please provide the name of the leasing company.
Please enter the lienholder pay-off amount or what you have to pay to satisfy a
lien outstanding on the vehicle. You can estimate if not exactly sure.
If there is an amount that you expect to get for this vehicle please enter it here.
This is not required information, feel free to skip this question.
Your selection helps keep vOffer successful by letting us know the best way to reach
clients just like you! Please let us know how you originally heard about us.
Check here if you want to replace the vehicle.
Click here for visitor license agreement.
Please select the vOffer team member you would like to work with otherwise, select
No Preference.
Please enter your vehicles current odometer reading.
Please select the exterior color of your vehicle from the drop down list.
Use the Color Key below as a guide.
Please select the interior color of your vehicle from the drop down list.
Use the Color Key below as a guide.
An original owner is the person that bought the vehicle new, not used.
Most vehicles have a "clear title" however there are some that have branded titles.
Please indicate whether your vehicle has a "clear title" or branded in any other
Please verify whether or not the mileage stated above is correct, actual and accurate.
- Yes - Meaning the miles are actual and accurate.
- No - Meaning the miles are NOT actual or accurate.
- Not sure - If you are not 100% sure.
Please indicate if the vehicle has ever been
smoked in or has a strong odor of any kind.
We would like to know if you have any service records for your vehicle.
What was the date of last service. You can estimate if not exactly sure.
Let us know if you have more than one key and alarm pad.
Let us know if you have purchased
the vehicle in the last three months
or less.
Select whether you originally purchased the vehicle from an automobile dealer or
Select if your vehicle has CD/DVD present.
Please indicate if your vehicle has had any type of insurance damage claimed.
What was the date of accident or damage? You can estimate if not exactly sure.
What was the dollar amount of the accident or damage claim? You can estimate if
not exactly sure.
Please indicate if your vehicle was ever used as taxi, rental car or delivery vehicle
in the past.
Let us know if your vehicle has had any performance modification. Please be as detailed
as possible in the description field below.
Let us know if your vehicle has any after market equipment or accessories installed.
Please be as descriptive as possible in the text field below.
This section lists all options available for this model vehicle. Please check the
box next to the option you believe your vehicle is equipped with.
This section lists the options currently installed on your vehicle. If you believe
the option is not installed on your vehicle, click on the 'X' to remove from the
You can upload photos of your vehicle here. Seeing photos of the vehicle can make
a big difference and help us appraise it. To upload photos: Click the BROWSE button,
in the pop-up window, locate the photo on your computer, then click "OPEN". You
can also select multiple photos at the same time. Next click the "UPLOAD NOW" button
to complete the photo upload. Repeat steps to upload more (max 10).
Use the sample vehicle image below as the guide. Click on any part of the image
to select the area of damage, then using the adjacent list to the right to describe
the type of damage or blemish indicated.
Please rate the overall interior condition of your vehicle. Excellent being like
new condition.
Please rate the overall mechanical condition of your vehicle. Excellent being like
new condition.